Bumper stickers are really just another form of expression to let the whole world know who we are. Bumper stickers allow a person to tell thousands of complete strangers that they will probably never even meet what their favorite sports teams are, what their hobbies are, where they go/went to college, or where their children go/went to college, that their child is an honor student at so and so elementary school, who they supported in the past presidential election, and their views on controversial issues like abortion and global warming, or even the new popular ones with a stick figure representation of each member of your family. Bumper stickers can just be decorative but that is still a form of outward expression and in a way still tells people something about you that they may not have know before. So why do we care if complete strangers know so much detail about our lives as they are riding on our bumpers down the highway? Its not really the fact that we care about what other people think about our bumper stickers but that we want to show the world this is who I am and this is my car and I have a right to say whatever I want. In all actuality its a form of free advertisement for each and every one of us, a chance to tell everyone this is what I believe this is what I care about. Some people may have one small bumper sticker while others may use it as a way to change the appearance of their care, give it personality, but every bumper sticker serves the same purpose. No, I do not believe that bumper stickers are art, although they can make your car look cooler, but I do believe that they are used to demand attention. Most of us could probably care less if the person driving the Escalade in front of us has an honor student at such and such middle school but still we find ourselves still reading it. Bumper stickers intrigue us, they allow to see a little piece of a person's life with out actually ever seeing them face to face. Although bumper stickers may not deserve our attention I do feel that they do a good job at demanding it.
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