When I was little I always used to collect rocks wherever I went. There's a stream at the bottom of my street and everyday during the summer on my walk back from the pool I would go down to the stream and look for the coolest rocks I could find. I had a pile in the corner of my room of all the rocks I had found. They were all different shapes and sizes, colors, and textures. Some sparkled and some had cool designs. No rock was exactly the same, each rock had its own story. Some had smooth surfaces from being tumbled by the water, while others had jagged broken edges from being broken or thrown. Sometimes I would use them to write my name on the sidewalk, other times I would take them back and use my sister's jewelry tumbler to make them shiny. Once my dad even brought me back a geode from a business trip with sparkling crystals and a deep amethyst color. Although I never considered these rocks to be art they still grabbed my attention. The amount of variety in something so simple intrigued me. How there were so many of them but they were all different. I found this rock at a beach in Historic Saint Mary's. Not only does it have a cool jade like color and incredibly smooth surface it now also carries the memories from that nice summer day at the beginning of the semester with my friends.
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