My desk is literally littered with Post-Its. Post-Its about what homework I have to do that week, what exams I have to study for, people I have to call, stuff I need to buy, and important dates I have to remember. I do not consider Post-Its to be art (although some of them do come in wacky shapes and colors) but I use them specifically as a device to grab and focus my attention. Post-Its are a memory tool for me. Everyday when I sit down at my desk I look at the Post-It and remember what I need to do that day. Simply the act of writing something down helps me to organize my thoughts. I often will write something on a Post-It note before I go to bed so I remember it in the morning. Then when I have completed a task I check it off and move on down the list. This is a very helpful way to organize my sometimes hectic life and by placing them in somewhere that I know I will see I make sure that the Post-It demands my attention.
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